Provide Study Bibles

Our Team

Craig Peters

Executive Director

Craig Peters draws on over 30 years of pastoral ministry as he currently serves as executive director of Equip Ministries International. Craig is passionate in helping train overseas leaders to advance the Gospel. His outgoing personality, knowledge of the Scripture, and wit enable him to relate to people of various ages, professions, and interests. Craig communicates the truth of God’s Word in a way that is both challenging and encouraging.

“With the right biblical training, these leaders will further impact and shepherd their people in a way that will cultivate growth and spiritual health for the glory of God.”

Craig has traveled to help church leaders in Malawi, Africa, Thailand, Moldova, China, and Ukraine.

Craig is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Ashland Theological Seminary. Craig and Ann have been happily married for 27 years and they are proud parents of three children.

Matt Young

Director of Evangelistic Outreach

Matt has been involved in discipling for over 15 years. His passion is that everyone would hear the Gospel and desires to mobilize the Church for that purpose.

Matt studied at Moody Bible Institute and the University of Akron. After college he started a successful company that has allowed him to minister overseas. Matt and his wife Vachira are proud parents of 3 wonderful children.

Currently, there is 1 formally trained church leader for every 450,000 people outside of the united states.

(Source: Training Leaders International)

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© 2017 Equip Ministries International
3465 S. Arlington Rd. Suite E #199 Akron, OH 44312 • 330.472.7799
Equip Ministries International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.